CPI Agribusiness Services

CPI provides agricultural services geared towards improved farming management, better greenhouse construction, availing information to farmers through training and providing the best irrigation systems design, installation and landscaping.

Farm management and consulting

CPI is equipped with multi-skilled team of agronomists, experienced farm managers and agribusiness consultants who are able to provide most after-sought expertise in agricultural production, pest and disease management, marketing of agricultural production and agriculture investment advisory.

Farmers' Training & Capacity building.

Empowering Agricultural Advancement Through Education and Innovation. We train farmers equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed for optimal agricultural practices. Our comprehensive capacity-building programs cover best-in-class farming methods, technology adoption, and sustainable approaches.

Value chain research and Analysis

Our research and development department are tasked to focus on delivering quality research in the agriculture value chain. We serve in the Agriculture Market systems analysis, Supply Chain Analysis Agriculture Industry Analysis and Profiling. The R&D team consists of competent and experienced personnel with wealth of knowledge in the Somali agriculture and the context that surrounds it.

Elevating Crop Production Through
In-Depth Value Chain Research and Analysis

Plant Nutrition & Fertilization

Fertilization is important for plants as they need nutrients for the same reasons that animals need them. They need them to germinate, grow, fight off diseases and pests and to reproduce. Like animals, nutrients are needed in larger, smaller or trace amounts for the plant to stay healthy. We promote the use of a targeted, nutritional fertilizer program that is based on information gathered from your fields and addresses the nutritional needs of your crop throughout the entire season. We start with soil sampling that gives us a baseline to understand the limiting factors of your soil and your environment. Next, we provide detailed fertilizer recommendations.
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Irrigation System Design & Installation

Water is a precious commodity, which is scarce in the world today and especially in the arid and semi-arid regions of the Horn of Africa. Farmers need to efficiently manage this valuable resource to sustain production and hence comes the importance of irrigation. At CPI, we design, install and commission various types of irrigation including drip irrigation, sprinkler or rain gun irrigation and center pivot irrigation.
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Greenhouse Construction & Operationalization

Farming under greenhouse technology means less disease, less water, more production and more control over your crop. At CPI we sell and install premium quality greenhouses at various sizes and structures which are suitable to the harsh climatic conditions of the Horn and Eastern regions of Africa.
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Livestock Development Services

Livestock represents over 60% of the GDP in the Horn of Africa region and hence it is one of our top priority sectors. The key issues affecting livestock chain productivity in the region are inadequate pastures, water, disease and pests, market, poor infrastructure, climate change and variability. CPI Agribusiness provides services and expertise in the sector of livestock feeding, Animal health and livestock trade systems. We also sell quality veterinary drugs and equipment to support local farmers.
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Other Services

Plant nutrition

Fertilization is important for plants as they need nutrients for the same reasons that animals need them. They need them to germinate, grow,
fight off diseases and pests and to reproduce. Like animals, nutrients are needed ni larger, smaller or trace amounts for the plant to stay
healthy. We promote the use of a targeted, nutritional fertilizer program that is based on information gathered from your fields and addresses the
nutritional needs of your crop throughout the entire season

Seedlings & nursery

CPI has one of the largest and most diverse fruit nursery establishment in Somaliland. In our nursery we sow selected fruit seeds that grow in to healthy and highly productive seedlings. Besides, we offer after-sales services that include continuous agronomic support and trainings. The following types of seedlings are available at CPI Nursery: Guava, Lemon, Orange (Egypt), Orange(local), Mango, Papaya, Avoca- do, and pomegranate

Gardening & landscaping

CPI Agribusiness is your one-stop shop in making your surrounding attrac tive and creative. Our gardening and landscaping department covers from your house or facility indoors to outdoors. At our nursery we have a rich choice of different varieties of both ornamentals a n d fruit trees flowers among others things

Water analysis & conditioning

A comprehensive analysis with water testing can indicate the suitability of a water supply for household, irrigation, livestock, fertigation, and greenhouse use. Water is the important factor in agriculture and its both abundance and quality affect production. Bad quality water damage both crops and degrade land. Our water analysis services include physical analysis, chemical analysis and microbiology analysis. CPI does not only provide water analysis but we go beyond telling our customers about the quality of their water to correcting and making their water suitable for farming and human consumption. We do these through a process called Reverse Osmosis (RO) using the latest technology.

Livestock fodder

The priority issues affecting livestock chain productivity in the region are inade- quate pastures, water, disease and pests, market, poor infrastructure, climate change and variability. To increase and stabilise livestock production CPI aims to im-prove the livelihoods of farmers and livestöck keepers, in particular, we focus on the work of animal feed and fodder production by providing animal feeds to pastoralists.

Farm equipment lease

CPI leases a fleet of high-tech tractors to make farm operations as painless as possible. These machineries are the first of their kind in the Somali region. These tractors are ready for deployment within short notice not exceeding 48 hours across the country.
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Learning Tips

Plant nutrition

Fertilization is important for plants as they need nutrients for the same reasons that animals need them. They need them to germinate, grow,
fight off diseases and pests and to reproduce. Like animals, nutrients are needed ni larger, smaller or trace amounts for the plant to stay
healthy. We promote the use of a targeted, nutritional fertilizer program that is based on information gathered from your fields and addresses the
nutritional needs of your crop throughout the entire season
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