Cauliflower Snowball is described as an early cauliflower, Snowball is in fact far more versatile than that and can be used for spring, summer, autumn and winter production. A dwarf compact plant that can be set closer than other cauliflowers.
First bred in America in the 1890s there probably still isn't a better cauliflower to grow in the garden. The compact plants produce a good crop of 13 - 15 cm pure white cauliflower heads that are tightly packed to the point of being solid and of superb quality. They can be forced and they freeze well too.
Recommended by the RHS to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects if allowed to 'go over' and flower (so if you have room leave any plants in that have gone too far rather than pulling them out straight away).
Catch crops can also be sown under cauliflowers to help increase the productivity of the patch such as radishes, lettuce or salad leaves. Or you could alternate your plantings with companion plants such as onions or garlic to confuse pests.
Seed Quantity:Approx 150 seeds per pack.Site:
Full sun, fertile, firm soil that is moisture retentive.
When to Sow:Sow seeds January to February under glass. March to May outdoors or September to October in coldframes to overwinter.How to Sow:Sow in modules/cells 1cm deep and plant out when 7-10cm tall (after 'hardening off' for 3-4 days) usually 5-6 weeks after sowing. Germination is usually 7-10 days. Space plants 60cm apart for large heads or for mini crops space 30cm apart. Soil must be firm, so tread down soil well after planting. Seeds can also be sown outdoors in a well-prepared seed bed from March to May, and the seedlings transplanted to their final position 6 weeks later.Care:
Keep well-watered as shortage can lead to cauliflowers bolting. Keep an eye out for pest such as slugs/snails, pigeons or carrot root fly etc and diseases like club root, downy mildew and mosaic virus. Keep weed free.
In hot weather it will be necessary to fold and tie the leaves over the curds, known as blanching, in order to prevent the sun browning the curds.
Harvest:For Early CroppingHarvest approximately June-September.For Main CroppingHarvest from approximately August-October.For Winter CroppingHarvest approximately December - March.For Over-WinteringHarvest approximately May-June.